Take action
“If I were a potential white ally, what
would you want me to do?”
1. Do the work
The first step is to make a personal commitment by setting aside time for this exercise. Our invitation is for you to really connect with and acknowledge the unfairness of racism and the advantages of inherent privilege. We suggest a few steps to help with this:
Examine your consciousness and how you really feel about racism (are you angry, ashamed, embarrassed, confused, tired, etc?) Can you understand why you feel like this?
Reflect on situations where you have witnessed racism against black/brown people and/or benefited from your privilege.
Can you imagine how it might feel to be the victim of racism?
Read through some of the stories shared by other white allies.
Share a story/stories here.
2. Spread the word
Share your reflections with your children, family, colleagues and friends. Start those conversations, encourage them to make their own reflections as above and you will be making a difference. Ask other people to share a story with us.
3. Educate yourself
You can start by looking at the resources listed on this website, it is a work in progress. If you come across other useful resources please share them with us.
4. White allies podcast
We will be launching a podcast to try and reach more people. Consider sharing a story on our podcast. Please register your interest by sending us an email.
5. Start a white allies group
Support black and brown people by stepping forward at work, church, school, university, etc. Speak up when you witness racism. Step back when you recognise privilege. Share our approach with your company, employer, minister, leader, etc. and get other white people to do the work. We are working on how best to support individual white allies in different settings so watch this space.
6. whiteallies.net has also been set up to fight racism.
Have a look at their website. There is a Zoom meeting at the end of June.