52: She got away with it
My work colleague, in her one to one with her boss described how her boss felt it was ok to retell a story of her night out to her. Once I heard it, I told my colleague that she had to report it, but she feared that she would not pass her probation. She never and since then her her life in work was made unbearable you are wounding what was said and I really hate writing these words, one because it is damn right raciest and to it come out of SMT mouth. Due to her White privilege she got away with it. this is what she said to my black colleague!!!! “My cousin and friend went out last night and met two men, both where black men and I asked them were they (HOUSE N***** or FIELD N***** )”. I am a white woman and had never heard this before and had to ask my colleague what it meant I even had to google it. I was speechless that somebody in this day and age and her level in the charity felt the need to say something like that and the worst thing get away with it even though it was reported. Myself and my colleague left that charity.